Under general anesthesia, following a median sternotomy and cannulation of the ascending aorta, the mass, which completely filled the mediastinum and extended towards the left hemithorax, was totally excised. After dual-stage venous cannulation, an aortato- LAD saphenous bypass was performed using a cross-clamp. A pathological examination of the totally excised giant mass showed that it weighed 1,605 g, and measured 20.5x15x12 cm. Furthermore, a microscopic examination revealed a mass of thick, capsulated tumoral tissue composed of benign epithelial cells and non-neoplastic lymphocytes containing vascular structures, microcystic formations, large areas of sclerosis, and Hassall’s corpuscles that was identified as a type B1 thymoma. After an uneventful postoperative follow-up, the patient was discharged on the postoperative eighth day.
The incidence rate of MG in thymomas has varied in different series. Wilkins et al.[2] reported a high rate of death in patients with a thymoma because of the frequent association between MG and myasthenic crises. Thymomas are generally considered to have an indolent and slow growth pattern, but they should still be regarded as malignant because of the potential for local invasion and systemic metastases, which is less common.[6]
The prognosis for patients with thymomas is definitely related to the type of resection, and many studies have been conducted regarding the most appropriate surgical approach. More recently, the results of maximal and complete thymectomies have been discussed in the literature, with some authors claiming that tumor recurrence can be prevented by maximal thymectomies.[7] However, Maggi et al.,[4] Shamji et al.,[5] and Nakahara et al.[8] all reported that there was no statistically significant difference between the results of the two types of thymectomies. On the other hand, some studies have shown that MG is associated with a better prognosis because myasthenic symptoms in these patients lead to an earlier diagnosis of thymomas.[4,5,8,9] With regard to the histological types, malignant thymomas have predominantly high mortality rates along with low survival rates. The study by Maggi et al.[4] included 241 cases in which the histological type had no effect on the prognosis, except for those cases involving malignant thymomas. However, there are other studies which indicate that epithelial-type thymomas have low survival rates.[8,9] This could be explained by the fact that these tumors are not resectable and that the presence of other autoimmune diseases, although rare, negatively affects the prognosis. However, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy after surgical resection raises the survival rate.[4,5,8]
Although some reports have indicated that subtotal resection or radiotherapy alone may be highly curative, the most common accepted surgical approach currently being used is a complete thymectomy.[7] Liman et al.[10] reported in their study comprised of 36 cases that total resection is the best choice for surgical therapy involving thymomas. The high survival rates for encapsulated thymomas together with the higher survival rates in patients who undergo complete resection versus incomplete resection indicate that the most important factors that affect survival are tumor grade and resection type. We performed a complete resection on our patient, and to our knowledge, there have been no other reported cases of an elective, planned combined surgical procedure for thymoma and coronary artery disease (CAD) in the literature.[11] Similarly, Abdullah ve Loon[12] reported that they performed the combined surgical approach for a thymoma that was found incidentally during CABG. The possibility of finding coincidental mediastinal tumors during CABG increases with age. In these cases, it is crucial that a complete resection be performed to improve the chance of survival. We believe that this is the first reported case in the literature in which a thymoma was incidentally detected because of a giant mass found via chest X-ray. The patient then electively chose to undergo combined surgery with a thymectomy and CABG.
Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no conflicts of interest with
respect to the authorship and/or publication of this
The authors received no financial support for the
research and/or authorship of this article.
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