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Giant pericardial cyst causing compression atelectasis of the lower lobe
Giant pericardial cyst causing compression atelectasis of the lower lobe
Erdal Yekeler1, Cemal Gündoğdu2
1Department of Thoracic Surgery, Palandoken State Hospital, Erzurum
2Department of Pathology, Medicine Faculty of Atatürk Universty, Erzurum
Pericardial cysts are rare, congenital, and benign mediastinal
lesions. These cysts are usually asymptomatic unless
they reach large sizes. A 47-year-old man with a history
of exertional dyspnea was admitted after radiographic
detection of atelectasis in the right lower lobe of the lung.
Multislice computed tomography of the thorax revealed a
well-defined, thin-walled, fluid-filled, and homogenous cystic
lesion, measuring 23x14x13 cm and causing atelectasis
of the right lower lobe. A right lateral thoracotomy was
performed to reach the cyst. A clear cyst fluid amounting
to 1,700 ml was drained. The cyst was transparent and thinwalled
and had no adhesion to the adjacent tissues. After
drainage of the fluid, it was understood that the cyst originated
from the pericardium. The cyst wall was resected
without any pericardial injury. Histopathological diagnosis
was reported as a pericardial cyst.
Keywords : Mediastinal kist/cerrahi; pulmoner atelektazi/ etyoloji
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