e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Amputation-free treatment of vascular trauma patients
İlker Mataracı1, Adil Polat2, Murat Songur1, Burak Kıran1, Deniz Çevirme1, Hasan Sunar1, Kaan Kırali1, Cevat Yakut1
1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kartal Koşuyolu Heart and Research Hospital, İstanbul
2Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Elazığ Military Hospital, Elazığ
Background: In this study we have retrospectively evaluated the patients who were surgically treated due to vascular trauma, and the results of the operations.

Methods: One hundred and sixty-five patients (140 males 25 females; mean age 30.1±11.5 years; range 12to 73 years) who were operated on in our clinic due to vascular injuries between June 2005 and September 2008 were included in the study. Of the injuries causing vascular traumas, 96 were in the lower extremity, 61 in the upper extremity and eight in the abdomen.

Results: The most frequent cause of injury was penetrating injury (n=110) and 55 patients had gunshot wounds. One hundred and forty-five patients had arterial injury. One hundred and eight patients had isolated arterial injury and 20 had isolated venous injury. The most frequently injured arteries were femoral (n=47) and popliteal arteries (n=35). The most frequently injured vein was femoral vein (n=26). The most frequently used repair was primary repair (n=105). Two patients died in the postoperative period, giving a mortality rate of 1.2%. Fasciotomies were necessary postoperatively in seven patients (4.2%). The mean duration of hospitalization was 5.2±5.0 (range 0-30) days.

Conclusion: Early surgical approach, extent and site of the damage and presence of concomitant injuries are the most important factors affecting the morbidity and the mortality in vascular injuries.

Keywords : Emergency; surgery; vascular trauma
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