e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Mitral Stenosis In Pregnancy
Atilla KAYIHAN, Hakkı AYDOĞAN, Şenol YAVUZ, İzzet ARKAN, Ergin EREN
İstanbul Göğüs-Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Merkezi Araştırma Hastanesi

In this study 37 pregnant women with mitral stenosis whom we performed closed mitral comissurotomy in Istanbul Thoracic and Cardivascular Surgery Center between 1970-1990 were analysed. Mean fallow up is 5 years (min. 2 years, max 8 years). Of 37 cases 33 were (%89,1) diagnosed during pregnancy and 4 patients were diagnosed before pregnancy. The average age is 23,2 years (16-42 years) Three patients were operated in the first trimester, 28 patients in the second and 6 patients in the third trimester. There is no operative mortality. Normal birth took place in 32 patients with no dead fetus. Before operation 15 patients were NYHA class IV, 22 were class III. In the postoperative evaluations, 35 patients were NYHA class I, five patients were class II. If pulmonary edema and haemoptysis is resistant to medical treatment, closed mitral comissurotomy is the technique of choice which can be perfomed in any trimester during prognancy.

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