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Pericardial patch closure of left atrial appendage orifice
Erkan Kuralay1, Abdullah Çolak1, Edip Temiz1
1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Lokman Hekim Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
DOI : 10.5606/tgkdc.dergisi.2019.14750
Seven patients underwent pericardial patch closure of the left
atrial appendage orifice in our clinic. Usually 5-to-7 U-sutures
with 4-0 prolene were placed to the left atrial appendage orifice.
These sutures were stretched out to measure exact sizes of the left
atrial appendage orifice. Then, U-sutures were passed through
the pericardial patch which was treated with glutaraldehyde.
Pericardium was placed over the left atrial appendage orifice
through the left atrium and stay sutures were tied. The upper
suture was continuously sutured along the border of the orifice
clockwise and tied to the lower suture. The lower suture was
continuously sutured in a counter-clockwise direction and
tied to the upper suture. Then, mitral valve surgery (repair or
replacement) was performed.
Keywords : Exclusion; left atrial appendage; pericardial closure
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