ISSN : 1301-5680
e-ISSN : 2149-8156
Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery     
Peripheric Vascular Injuries
Siyami Ersek Göğüs-Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Merkezi
Between the years 1990 to 1997, 80 cases those operated on for peripheral vascular injuries at Siyami Ersek Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Center and referrals for surgical intervention from Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital were observed retrospectively. Seventy three (91%) of patients were male, 7 (9%) were female and their age ranged from 6 to 68 years (mean 28 years) . Fourty eigth (60%) of patients had penetrating type of injuries 18 (22.5%) were shotgun wounds, 14 (17.5%) were vascular injuries due to blunt trauma, respectively.

The time between the accident and patients arrival to the hospital was ranged from 30 min. to 72 hours (mean 3h). The vascular injury localizations in that order of frequency were femoral artery in 36 cases (45%), brachial artery in 17 cases (21.2%), popliteal artery in 9 cases (11.2%), radial artery in 8 cases (10%), ulnar artery in 3 cases (3.7%), ulnar with radial arteries 3 cases (3.7%), tibial artery in 2 cases (2.5%), axillar artery in 1 case (1.3%), iliac artery in 1 case (1.3%). There were nearby venous injuries in 44 (55%) of patients and 12 (15%) of patients had neural injuries.

As the operative technique in these cases, in 17 cases (21.3%) primary suture, in 22 cases (27.5%) end to end anastomosis, in 31 cases (38.8%) otogenous v.saphena magna interposition, in 9 cases (11,3%) synthftic graft insertion, in 4 cases (5%) simple ligation were performed.

In our patient group, only one amputation was done and 4 of the cases were taken to reoperation. The mortality was not seen during the hospital stay.

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